Begonia Shadow King Rose Frost, Begonia Rex Cultorum

Botanical Name: Begonia rex Shadow King Rose Frost
product image


The Shadow King Rose Frost Begonia has wonderfully eye-catching foliage. The pointed leaves boast shades of purple and green and appear as though they have been coated lovingly in a light layer of frost.

Care Guide

Light Requirements
Prefers bright indirect light. Tolerates medium light. Growth will slow in medium light conditions. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves.
Artificial Light
Direct Sun
Water Needs
Prefers consistent but moderate watering. Tolerates occasional dryness. Will not tolerate excessive watering.
Soil Preference
Prefers a soil mixture with moderate drainage speeds and moderate water retentive properties. Include sustainably sourced peat moss for water retention and perlite or pumice as a drainage amendment.
Moisture Retention
Fast Drying
Drainage Speed

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