Canopi Plants Calathea/Maranta Potting Mix

Canopi Plants Calathea/Maranta Potting Mix


Canopi Plant custom soil mixes are shipped in small, easy-to-handle bags and designed specifically for the plant you need to repot. We provide the perfect mix. No leftovers. No mess.

The perfect potting mix for Calatheas / Marantas and all moisture loving plants should contain a good amount of peat moss or coco coir to retain plenty of moisture over a longer horizon. These plants roots don't mind being a little more compact, but you still need to guard against soggy soil, which leads to root rot, and provide enough aeration. For that we add small pine bark, perlite and vermiculite. We top it off with a mixture of worm castings, activated charcoal, and a blend of mycorrhizae to enrich the mix with organic matter, and good fungi and microbial life. 

Size Guide

Small: 1.7 Dry Quarts

Large:  15 Dry Quarts

Repotting Guide

 4" Pot Small
6" Pot Small
8" Pot Large
10" Pot Large
12" Pot 1 Large, 2 Small
14" Pot 2 Large
16" Pot 3 Large