Alocasia Frydek

Botanical Name: Alocasia frydek
Alocasia Frydek


The Alocasia Frydek, scientifically identified as Alocasia micholitziana 'Frydek,' hails from Southeast Asian rainforests, showcasing heart-shaped leaves with a velvety texture in deep green, accentuated by intricate white veins. Adapting well to indoor environments, it thrives in bright, indirect light and appreciates high humidity. Ensuring well-draining soil and allowing the top layer to dry between moderate waterings supports its growth. Shielding it from direct sunlight prevents leaf scorching. During the growing season, periodic fertilization enhances its lush foliage. Alocasia Frydek may produce offsets, providing opportunities for propagation. Its compact size and distinctive features make it a sought-after gem for tropical and contemporary-themed interiors.

Care Guide

Light Requirements
Prefers bright indirect light. Tolerates medium light. Growth will slow in medium light conditions. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves.
Artificial Light
Direct Sun
Water Needs
Prefers consistent but moderate watering. Tolerates occasional dryness. Will not tolerate excessive watering.
Soil Preference
Prefers chunky soil with plenty of large, organic, particulate matter. The coarseness of the soil allows water to drain freely while the individual components hold moisture effectively.
Moisture Retention
Fast Drying
Drainage Speed